important phone numbers & addresses

Our Office: 415-665-6100
(If you call our office after office hours, you will be connected to the answering service who will then page the on-call provider.)

Poison Control Hotline: 800-222-1222
(If your child ingested anything that he/she shouldn't have ingested, then call this number. They can tell you what to do next.)

CPMC general information: 415-600-6000

CPMC Pediatric Emergency Room: 415-600-4444
Address: 1260 Franklin Street, SF, CA 94109

CPMC Pediatric After Hours Care: 866-961-8588
Address: 1580 Valencia Street, Suite 701, SF, CA 94110
(For their website, click

UCSF Pediatric Emergency Room: 415-353-1818
Address: 1975 Fourth Street, First Floor, SF, CA 94158
(For their website, click

UCSF Pediatric After Hours Clinic: 415-387-9293
3838 California Street, Ste 111, SF, CA 94118